May 13, 2018


Summer is right around the corner, and what better time to prep for swimsuit season than now? The temps are heating up and the time to throw on your favorite suit and head to the beach or pool will be here before you know it. In the spirit of the upcoming season, let’s talk about ditching that unwanted hair, shall we? For many women,waxing is the only way to go!

Aside from helping you look and feel your best, waxing as a hair removal method has other benefits as well. Here at Charles Ifergan at our Chicago location, we offer a full range of waxing services, from brow shaping to legs and virtually everywhere in between. We’ve put together a list of the benefits of waxing to help you get the smooth results you long for.

Exfoliation. While waxing doesn’t replace regular exfoliation, it does act as an exfoliant to remove the top layer of dead skin cells. The fresh layer of skin left behind is smooth and primed to soak up those nourishing lotions (or self tanners!) you apply. This process will help you maintain healthy skin, especially if you make waxing part of your regular routine.

No stubble! While shaving might be a bit more convenient because you can do it at home, it cuts the hair off at the surface of the skin, causing the blunt-edges left behind to grow back in the form of stubble. Waxing will remove the hair shaft entirely, so it grows back naturally with no stubble. Also, because the entire hair is removed, most wax jobs can last up to two weeks!

Lower maintenance over time. Besides affording complete control over which parts of your body are waxed and which remain untouched, waxing also causes less hair to grow back. Waxing repeatedly will actually cause the follicle to stop producing hair over time. This is excellent news for those of us who grow hair in places we least want it, like the upper lip or chin. We recommend making hair removal by waxing a regular part of your beauty routine to ensure longer lasting results over time.

Are you ready to make smooth, hair-free skin a part of your self care routine? The team here at Charles Ifergan, Chicago location, is ready to help you achieve the silky smooth skin you want this Summer! We are committed to meeting all your beauty needs, and with three locations to serve you-Oak Street, Deerfield, and Oakbrook- we’re always nearby. Schedule an appointment today at the location that most convenient for you. If you prefer, you can also use our mobile app to schedule the time and place that suits your needs. Download it for free on iTunesGoogle Play, or Amazon.

Appointment Skincare Prep:

To ensure the best results for your makeup application, please arrive with a clean, makeup-free face (or makeup-free eyes for eye-makeup application only). If you arrive with makeup on, please plan to arrive 15 minutes earlier so we can professionally remove it for you. A $30 makeup removal fee will apply.